
Comment puis-je envelopper du texte dans un tableau à plusieurs lignes sans perdre la mise en forme?

J'ai des données (principalement des journaux, mais aussi des notes d'utilisateurs) sous forme de:

[2019_03_10][21:12:55]   Very useful text of hight iportance 
                          to demonstrate my question. 
[2019_03_10][22:32:55]    Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22]    blablabal Bla bla, just another lon
                          g text with linebreak. And this one 
                          is just a little longer then those 

Pour le moment, j'utilise cat test.txt | column -s '#' -t et c'est ce que j'obtiens:

[2019_03_10][21:12:55]   Very useful text of hight iportance 
to demonstrate my question. 
[2019_03_10][22:32:55]    Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22]    blablabal Bla bla, just another lon
g text with linebreak. And this one is just a little longer t
hen those before.

C'est ce que j'aimerais obtenir:

[2019_03_10][21:12:55] # Very useful text of hight iportance to demonstrate my question.
[2019_03_10][22:32:55] #  Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22] #  blablabal Bla bla, just another long text with linebreak. And this one is just a little longer then those before.

1 commentaires

Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît fournir le contenu original du test.txt ?

5 Réponses :


Script Perl qui utilise le module standard Text :: Wrap :

$ perl -MText::Wrap -lpe '$_ = wrap("", "\t\t\t", $_); s/ # /\t/;' test.txt


$ perl wrap.pl test.txt
[2019_03_10][21:12:55]  Very useful text of hight iportance to demonstrate
                        my question.

Version une ligne:

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
use Text::Wrap;

while (<>) {
  my $line = wrap("", "\t\t\t", $_);
  $line =~ s/ # /\t/;
  say $line;

0 commentaires


Vous pouvez essayer le script suivant:

WIDTH=50                                    # width of column2 
# TMPFILE=$(mktemp)                         # tempfile in /tmp
TMPFILE=$(mktemp -p /dev/shm)               # tempfile in shared memory
while read line; do                         # read all lines from log
    column1=${line%%#*}                     # extract column1
    blank=${column1//?/ }                   # blankline, size len(column1)
    column2=${line##*#}                     # column2, comments
    echo $column2 | fmt -$WIDTH > $TMPFILE  # format column2
    while read line2; do                    # read new formated lines
        echo  "$column1" $line2             # write column1 and column2
        column1=$blank                      # blank column1
    done < $TMPFILE                         # read from tempfile
done < "$1"                                 # first arg from commandline
rm $TMPFILE                                 # delete tempfile

USAGE: scriptname logfile

Si vous n'avez pas de mémoire partagée, vous pouvez remplacer la ligne 4 par la ligne 3. p >

0 commentaires


Utilisation de la ligne de commande Perl. Vous pouvez changer 20 en 30 ou 40 pour envelopper la longueur dont vous avez besoin.

$ perl -lne ' ($x,$y)=/(.+?)#(.+)/ ; printf("%s",$x); $s=""; 
   while($y=~/(.{20,}?\s|.*$)/g) { $p=$1; print $s,$p if $p!~/^\s*$/s; $s="\t\t\t" } ' mac.txt
[2019_03_10][21:12:55]  Very useful text of
                        hight iportance to demonstrate
                        my question.
[2019_03_10][22:32:55]  Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22]  blablabal Bla bla, just
                        another long text with
                        linebreak. And this one
                        is just a little longer
                        then those before.


Il y a une nouvelle ligne supplémentaire, si vous voulez supprimer cela

$ perl -ne ' ($x,$y)=/(.+?)#(.+)/ ; print "$x"; $s=""; 
   while($y=~/(.{20,}?\s|.*$)/g) { printf("%s%s\n",$s,$1);$s="\t\t\t" } ' mac.txt
[2019_03_10][21:12:55]  Very useful text of
                        hight iportance to demonstrate
                        my question.

[2019_03_10][22:32:55]  Another Text.

[2019_03_10][23:02:22]  blablabal Bla bla, just
                        another long text with
                        linebreak. And this one
                        is just a little longer
                        then those before.


0 commentaires


Cela semble être un travail pour :

Ce premier script répondra à votre question, en fractionnant les lignes au caractère 60 (sans tenir compte des espaces).

[2019_03_10][21:12:55] # Very useful text of hight
                       importance to demonstrate my
[2019_03_10][22:32:55] Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22] blablabal Bla bla, just another long
                       text with linebreak. And this one is
                       just a lot longer then those before,
                       by adding unsignificant and useless
                       bla bla.

Sortira quelque chose comme:

sed '
    /.\{61\}/s/\([^\n]\{1,60\}\) \([^\n]\+\)/\1\n                       \2/;

Sembler mais division de mot:

sed ':a;/.\{61\}/s/\([^\n]\{1,60\}\) \([^\n]\+\)/\1\n                       \2/;/\n/!bb;P;D;:b;ta'


[2019_03_10][21:12:55] # Very useful text of hight importanc
                       e to demonstrate my question.
[2019_03_10][22:32:55] Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22] blablabal Bla bla, just another long 
                       text with linebreak. And this one is 
                       just a lot longer than those before, 
                       by adding unsignificant and useless b
                       la bla.


sed ':a;s/\([^\n]\{60\}\)\([^\n]\+\)/\1\n                       \2/;ta'

0 commentaires


Je profiterais de la commande UNIX fold pour que vous n'ayez pas à réinventer la roue:

$ cat tst.awk
    beg = end = $0
    sub(/ *#.*/,"",beg)
    sub(/[^#]+# */,"",end)

    cmd = "printf \047" end "\n\047 | fold -sw38"
    while ( (cmd | getline line) > 0 ) {
        print beg, line
        gsub(/./," ",beg)

$ awk -f tst.awk file
[2019_03_10][21:12:55] Very useful text of hight iportance
                       to demonstrate my question.
[2019_03_10][22:32:55] Another Text.
[2019_03_10][23:02:22] blablabal Bla bla, just another long
                       text with linebreak. And this one is
                       just a little longer then those

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